TriProf Trading (Pty) Ltd
Regno. 2021/601347/07
Since 2017 our team has been doing speculation developments in Betty's Bay, Pringle Bay and Stellenbosch. We have recently moved to the residential construction retail market. We have been in operation since 2017 and pride ourselves on affordable solutions for our clients with top quality finishes.

-Site clearing and preparation for excavation
-Registration and Enrolment of the house at the NHBRC
- After client has appointed the engineer – we shall consult on the structural report
- Trenching for footings
- All concrete works, steel reinforcing for footings, floor slabs
- All brick work and plaster works
- Oversee Fitment of windows by contractor – plaster and finish window reveals
- Ensure that all plumbing points are placed – meaning in the kitchen, bathrooms, scullery
etc. there will be a water point in the wall for final fitment of sanitary ware, showers, toilets
- Electrical points – DB board wired and conduits and wiring installed to all electrical points
on the plan – Only final fitment of light switches and plugs will be done during the finishing
- Construction of the roof by – roofing contractor and sign off of A19 certificate by engineer.
- Fitting of all internal and external door frames.
- A complete scope of works with all the responsibilities in and excluded will be drafted and added as an addendum to the contract.
This model calculates to an estimated 20-25% saving on the total project cost referred to the
traditional model, where you pay the contractor a deposit and progress draws are requested.
When the contract is completed, 85% of the construction risk is eliminated
- No hefty deposits required from client
- Financial risk for client referring to, non-performance of the contractor =reduced
- It is an open book time management model – no hidden retainer/rebate fees from
subcontractors levied by contractor
- Client is aware of the actual costs and can manage their costing on the PC sums to
finish more effectively.
- Costing is managed daily and reports of progress are presented to the client on a regular
- COD accounts are opened with the contractors suppliers in the clients name and reconciled
weekly as part of the project management process. An advantage for properties in a trust
or Pty (Ltd), referring to capital gains tax.
- If a client needs to apply for a bond to complete the final finishes – due to the level of
structural completion, the financial institutions has minimal risk and in our experience
bonds were approved with competitive rates.
- Cost estimate for the wet work construction and provisional sums ( finishing estimates as
indicated by the owner)
- Registration of the dwelling at the NHBRC (National Home Builders Registration Council)
- Appointment of engineer
- Coordinate professional services – architect and engineering on site (site inspections)
- It is an open book expense model – what does this entail?
- Manage the project as per scope of works daily.
- No hidden rebate percentages from supplier levied by the builder/contractor
- Weekly management of all direct expenses of the project
- All the accounts are with approved suppliers on a COD account ( credit transfer
done in a cash account with the supplier in the clients name, normally not more
than R10 000 top up needed)
- The client is in control of the account
- Client benefit from developers discount from preferred suppliers
- Comparing actual expenses to budget estimate weekly
- All weekly wage draws of builder is managed on historical data to ensure that the
builder completes the scope of works in time and within the budget agreed
Complete project management of sub-contractors regarding finishing
responsibilities: Painting, wood works, final floor finishes, fitment of internal doors,
cupboards, vanities, light fittings, kitchen tops, landscaping
When all the structural works are complete the client can then decide if they want to
manage the finishing process themselves or via their own representative or Triprof Trading can manage the finishing on a daily rate agreement. This means that the client can finalize the finishes (door type, cupboards, vanities lights, floor coverings etc.)
and then instruct for installation and the overseeing of the section of the project
WILL BE DONE BY OURSELVES – only pay the project consultant the management
fee when the responsibility is in progress.
House Botha - 384 Winelands Estate Raithby, Stellenbosch
Arno Botha – 082 3325060
House Mostert – 3815 Diastella dr. Betty’s Bay
Margie de Lange – 083 3600600
House Eksteen – 2346 Buck str. Bettys Bay
Gerhard Eksteen – 083 2680362
House van der Merwe – 446 Oaklands dr. Winelands Village Estate, Raithby
Annette van der Merwe - 073 314 4255
House Vogel – 5008 Senicio Circle, Betty’s Bay
Riana Vogel – 084 776555
House Blake – 2225 Porter ave. Betty’s Bay
Trish Blake – 072 323 0407